1. Provision for tax for the year comprised estimated current income
tax determined to be payable in respect of taxable income The company
has not recognised deferred tax for the year due to consideration of
prudence as in the opinion of management sufficient future taxable
income may not be available against which deferred tax assets can be
2. Previous years figures have been regrouped / reclassified wherever
necessary to correspond with the current years classification /
3. Personal accounts of the Parties, whether in debit or credit, are
subject to confirmation of parties.
4. Other informations pursuant to Revised Schedule VI of the
Companies Act, 1956 are not given, as the same are not applicable for
the year
5. During the year the company has sold 88000 shares equivalent to
52.85% of subsidiary company Best Holdings Ltd. After the sale of said
shares, the holding of the company in M/s Best Holdings Ltd has reduced
to 46.25%. Hence Best Holdings Ltd is no longer subsidiary of Delta
Industrial Resources Ltd
6. In the opinion of the Management, the value on realization of
current/ Non Current Assets, loans & advances in the ordinary course of
business will not be less than the amount at which they are stated in
the Balance Sheet and all liabilities have been adequately provided for
7. Related Party Disclosure:
Details of transaction entered into with related parties during the
year as required by Accounting Standard-18 on "Related Parties
Disclosures" issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India are
as under
List of Related Parties
Key Management Personnel
Mr. R.S.Negi
Mr. Sanjay Kumar
Mr. G.Rajakumar
8. Advance for shares ?1370 hundreds represent cash received from 9
parties for which the company has to deliver the shares