a) The Company has issued one class of shares i.e., equity shares which
enjoy similar rights in respect of voting, payment of dividend and
repayment of capital.
Total dues of Micro & Small enterprises outstanding for more than the
stipulated period is NIL.
*Fixed Deposit includes deposits for periods exceeding three months and
deposit of Rs 90,000 (Previous year Rs 14,00,000) with maturity of more
than 12 months.
4. Capital Advance - payment made to HSIDC for purchase of land, the
possession of which has not been given to the Company as the HSIDC is
in dispute over the title of the said land with the Defence
5. Segment reporting is not applicable to the Company.
6. Related Party Disclosures:
Information about Related Party
Sr. Related Party Relationship
a) Group Companies
1. Continental Device India Limited Group Company
2. Delta Electronics Private Limited Group Company
b) Key Managerial Personnel
1. Dr. Gurpreet Singh Director/Promoter
2. Mr. Inderdeep Singh Director/Promoter
3. Mr. Kumar Srinivasan Wholetime Director
7. The Company has provided for Gratuity as per the Accounting Standard
15 (revised 2005). On the basis of Actuarial Valuation done as of 31st
March 2014, additional gratuity liability has been created in the books
of Rs 56,187 for the year.
Information regarding various benefits provided to employees:
a) Under defined contribution Plan
i) Provident Fund
ii) Employee State Insurance
b) Under Defined Benefit plan
i) Gratuity
1) The discounting rate is considered based on market yield of
government bonds.
The estimate of rate of future salary increases considered takes into
account inflation, seniority promotion and other relevant factors
including supply and demand factors.
2) Net assets/(liabilities) recognised in the Balance Sheet as at
respective year ends and experience adjustments.
8. Previous year's figures have been regrouped wherever considered