1 (a) Estimated amount of contract remaining to be executed
Current Yr Previous Yr
On capital account and not provided for Nil Nil
(b) Contingent Liabilitifisgfr Nil Nil
2. Due to no tradimcf'and marurarcturing activities, additional
information as per schedule VI oMU Act, 1956,is not applicable.
3. Auditors remuneration is Rs.20000/- (Previous year Rs.20000/-)
4. Previous year figures are regrouped / rearranged wherever necessary.
4.1 Terms/Riqhts attached to Equity Shares:
The Company has only One class of Equity Shares having a par value of Rs.
10/- per Share. Each holder of the Equity Shares is entitled to one
Vote per Share. The Company declares and pays Dividend in Indian Rupees
The Dividend will be proposed by the Board of Directors and the same
will be be subject to the approval of the Shareholders at the ensuing
Annual General Meeting.
In the event of liquidation of the Company, the holders of equity
shares will be entitled to receive any of the remaining assets of the
company , after distribution of all preferential amounts. The
distribution will be in nronortion to the number of eauitv shares held
bv the shareholders
As per the records of the company, including its register of
shareholders / members and other declarations from shareholders
regarding beneficial interest the above shareholding represents both
legal and beneficial ownerships of shares.
Note: Related parties have been identified by the Management.
(b) Details of Related Party Transactions during the year ended 31st
March, 2014 and balances outstanding as at 31st March, 2014.