Note-i) Disclosure pursuant to Note no. 6(A)(e) of Part I of Schedule
III to the Companies Act, 2013
Relating to the rights, preference and restrictions attaching to each
class of shares including restrictions on the distribution of dividends
and the repayment of capital, mentioning "as per Companies Act, 2013
and Companies Act, 1956 (if applicable) and as per Memorandum and
Articles of Association".
Note-ii) Disclosure pursuant to Note no. 6(A)(f) of Part I of Schedule
III to the Companies Act, 2013
Not Applicable as Company does not have any holding company.
2. Disclosure as required by Accounting Standard - AS 17 "Segment
Reporting", issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
The entire operations of the Company relate to only one segment viz.
"Business Centre". As such, there is no separate reportable segment
under Accounting Standard AS 17 on Segment Reporting.
3. Contingent liabilities not provided for in respect of :
Particulars 2014-15 2013-14
(Rs.) (Rs.)
i Claims against the Company not acknowledge
as debts estimated at 16,868,000 16,868,000
ii Income - Tax matters 60,081,560 90,292,900
4. The Company has adopted revised useful life as per schedule II of
the Companies Act 2013 in terms of the notification issued by Ministry
of Company Affairs. In consequence depreciation and amortisation on
Fixed Assets for the current year has been increased by Rs.18.98 Lacs
for change in useful life in comparison to the previous year which has
been debited to statement of Profit and Loss account.
5. In the opinion of the Board of Directors, all the assets other than
fixed assets and non current investments have value on realisation in
the ordinary course of business atleast equal to the amount at which
they are stated in the Balance Sheet.
6. The previous year's figures have been regrouped/ reclassified ,
wherever necessary to confirm to the current year presentation.