1. Rights, preferences and restrictions attached to shares
The Company has only one class of equity Shares having a par value of
Rs.5 per share. Each holder of Equity Shares is entitled to one vote
per share held. In the event of liquidation, the equity shareholders
are eligible to receive the remaining assets of the company after
payment of all preferential amounts, in proportion to their
2. Segment information
In accordance with the requirement of the Accounting Standard 17 on
segment reporting issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of
India, the company operates in only one primary segment, i.e M.S.Bar.
There are no reportable geographical segment
3. Disclosures of related party transactions (as identified & certified
by the management):
a. As per Accounting Standard-18-' Related Party Disclosures' issued by
the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India, the names of the
related parties are given below :
b. List of related parties with whom the Company has transacted during
the year
i Key Management Personnel Mr. Sanjiv Kumar Choudhary (Managing
ii Relatives of Key Mrs. Manju Choudhary (wife of Mr. Sanjiv
Management Personnel Kr. Choudhary)
Mr. Ankit Choudhary ( son of Mr. Sanjiv
Kr. Choudhary)
iii Enterprise owned or VIP Finstock Private Limited
significantly influenced by Gangotri Electrocasting Limited
Key Management Personnel Ganga Carriers Private Limited
and their
For the year For the year
ended 31st ended 31st
4. Contingent Liabilities not March 2014 March 2013
provided for in respect of: Amount (Rs) Amount (Rs)
a. The company has contested and
lodged claims against Bihar State
Electricity Board (BSEB) excess 3,925,256 3,925,256
bills and charges. No provision
has been made in the accounts.
b. Disputed Excise Duty matters u/s
3A of Central Excise Act, 1944
pending with High Court, Patna
related to year 1998-99,1999-2000
wherein provision has not been made 1,443,471 1,443,471
by the Company.
However, there is an apparent
discrepancy as per the Commissioner's
Order according to which the liability
works out Rs 37,40,926 which the
company is in the process of getting
c No provision has been made in the
accounts towards CENVAT credit
wrongly availed during the year
2004-2005 by the Company as per the
Excise department on the 298,412 298,412
strength of fake / fraudulent invoices by different parties.
d The Income Tax Department had conducted search and survey under
section 132 of the Income Tax Act, 1961 (Act) and thereafter directed
the company to get the accounts audited u/s 142(2A) of the Act after
invoking section 153C of the Act for reassessment of income for the
Assessment Years 2003-04 to 2009-10. Not satisfied with the outcome of
the Income Tax proceedings, the company had filed an application with
the Settlement Commission under section 245C of the Act on 1st August,
2011. However, the proceedings with the Settlement Commission have
since been abated and the matter has been referred back to the original
Assessing Officer for disposing of the matter.
Any liability or outcome of the aforesaid proceedings is indeterminate
and has not been provided for. Such liability will be accounted for on
final settlement of case by the Assessing Officer under the Act.
However, the liability admitted by the company in its application with
the Settlement Commission under Section 245C has not been provided in
the books. In terms of the application filed on 1st August, 2011 the
tax liability and interest determined and paid by the Company is Rs.
77,67,947 and Rs. 43,55,613 respectively. This has been included in '
Balances with Government Authorities' under note 13 "Long-term loans
and Advances".
5. During the year, the company has claimed Rs. 2,47,40,315(P.Y. Rs.
1,01,37,895)(cumulative claim of Rs. 10,49,12,524) as Subsidy /
Incentive receivable on VAT and entry tax paid in respect of new
manufacturing unit implemented at Bihta, in terms of the scheme
mentioned in the Industrial Scheme, 2006 by the Department of
Industries, Bihar, out of which an amount of Rs. 1,21,77,779 has been
received by the company for the financial year 2013-14 and Rs.
81,87,907 has been received for the financial year 2012-13.
However, in terms of the requirement under the scheme, the industrial
unit must get a passbook from the State Government in which the details
of tax paid under Bihar VAT would be entered and verified by the
Commercial Tax Department. The company is yet to get the passbook and
hence the claim for such Subsidy / Incentive remains unsubstantiated.
6. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises
There are no Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises, to whom the Company
owes dues, which are outstanding for more than 45 days as at 31st March
2014. This information as required to be disclosed under the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006 has been determined
to the extent such parties have been identified on the basis of
information available with the Company.
7. Revenue from operations includes Sales of TMT Bar, Sponge Iron, Pig
Iron, Oxygen, Billet and Rejected Rolls amounting to Rs. 71,42,25,002
(P.Y. Rs.29,21,02,663) and turnover in a commodity exchange amounting
to Rs. Nil(P.Y. Rs.60,88,38,412). Similarly cost of material consumed
includes Purchase of Raw materials amounting to Rs. 33,78,76,292 (P.Y.
Rs.34,72,16,764) and also purchase of commodities in a commodity
exchange amounting to Rs. Nil(P.Y. Rs.56,15,88,468) . No transfer of
property in goods had taken place in the previous year in commodity
transactions incurred in the commodity exchange as required for
treatment of such revenues as turnover in terms of Accounting Standard
(AS - 9) issued by Institute of Chartered Accountants of India and
accordingly, these were speculative in nature.
8. Bihar state electricity Board has determined liability of energy
dues in respect of Bihta unit amounting to Rs. 12,40.38,717 till the
month of December 2012 and the same was payable in 20 installments with
interest, the 1st installment being Rs. 62,19,717 and the remaining
installments of Rs. 62,01,000 each. The Company failed to pay the
Installments and Interest for the months of September 2013 to March
2014, amounting to Rs.4,86,15,840 . The company has also not booked
Interest for the months of October 2013 to March 2014 amounting to Rs.
41,85,675 in total.
9. The company has received advances from customers amounting to Rs.
14,09,34,007 and security deposits from customers amounting to Rs.
1,08,67,873, some of which are lying unadjusted since long. No
confirmations of accounts are available in this respect and such
balances are subject to confirmation and reconciliation and
consequential adjustments thereof are indeterminate.
10. The company has not provided for any bad debt which may arise in
view of large number of accounts outstanding for a very long period as
no confirmation of account is available in respect of such parties.
11. Balances of the Trade payables, Loans and advances incorporated in
the books as per balances appearing in the relevant subsidiary records,
are subject to confirmation from the respective parties and
consequential adjustments arising from reconciliation, if any. The
management however is of the view that there will be no material
discrepancies in this regard and is taking adequate steps to get the
confirmation and reconciling such accounts.
12. Due to suspension of manufacturing activities there are indications
which suggest impairment in the value of fixed assets, being plant and
machinery and other fixed assets of the company. The management is
still in the process of getting an impairment study done and the
financial impact of the impairment loss, if any will be accounted for
at the relevant time.
13. Previous year's figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever
necessary to correspond with the current year's
14. Figures have been rounded off to nearest rupee.
15. Figures in the bracket relate to previous year.