1. Provision has not been made for the gratuity as no employee has
attained the qualifying period of service for the entitlement of
2. Provision has not been made for Listing Fees payable to Calcutta,
Ahmadabad, Jaipur and Uttar Pradesh Stock Exchanges, as stock exchange
are not working and company shares could not be dealt with in these
stock exchanges. Previous year's provisions written off.
3. Expenditures incurred in Foreign currency is Nil ( P.Y. Nil) = Nil
(P.Y. Rs. Nil ).
4. Earning in foreign currency is NIL (Previous year Nil).
5. Previous year figures have been re-grouped and re-arranged wherever
found necessary.
6. No Person was employed by the company either throughout the year or
for a part of the year under review whose remuneration for the year in
the aggregate was not less than Rs. 6,00,000/- (Previous year Rs.
6,00,000/-) or for any part of that year at a rate which in the
aggregate was not less than Rs. 50,000/- (Previous year Rs. 50,000/-)
per month.
7. The Company has not accepted any deposits from public during the
8. These accounts are not signed by Secretary as the company has no
secretary as on date, the accounts were approved by the directors.
9. Related Party Disclosures:
As per Accounting Standard 18, the disclosures of transactions with the
related parties are given below: List of related Parties
i) Associates
a) GSB Capital Markets Ltd. c) GSB Share Custodian Services Ltd.
b) GSB Securities Pvt. Ltd.
ii) Key Management Personnel
a) Shri G. S. Biyani, Director e) Shri Yogesh Patel, Director
b) Shri R. S. Biyani, Director f) Shri Sajjan Poddar, Director
c) Mrs. Ritika Gupta, Director g) Shri Manish Zanwar, Director
d) Shri Parasram Kabra, Director