m) Provisions
Provision .s recognised wish an enterprise has a present obligation (legal or constructive) as a result of a past event and it is probable that an outflow of resources will be required to settle the obligation n respect of which a reliable estimate can be made, provisions are determined based on management estimates required to settle the obligation at the balance sheet date, supplemented by experience of similar transactions. These are reviewed at the balance sheet date and adjusted to reflect the c u rren t m a n a g e me nt est i m at es
n) Contingent Liabilities and Assets
Contingent liabil T es am disclosed when thorn is a poss ble obligation arising from- pas* r'vemts, t.he existence of which will be confirmed only by the oceu rren ee or no n -occ u rrenee of o ne or m o re u n eerta i n tutu re even ts not wh o I ly w it h i n the to nt rol of the Company or a present ob;iga tion t hat a eses trom past events where it. sether rat probable that an outflow of resources wii1 be required to settle or a reliab e estimate of the amount cannot be made is termed as a contingent iiab'lily I lie existence of a contingent liability is disclosed in the notes to the financial statements,
Contingent assets are neither recognised nor disclosed.
oj Earnings Per Share
Basic earnings per share is calculated by dividing the net profit or loss for the period attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted a vpmgenumberofequitysrie res outst^ndingduringtheyear.
DiluTcd earnings per share :s co imputed using the weighted average number of equity shares and dilutive potential equ ity shares Out stand-ng oor-ng th§ year, for L H-s purpose or calculating diluted eamr-gs p-er share, the net profit or loss for '.lie period att nputable to equity shareholders and the weighted average number of shares outstanding dtiffing the year a--e Adjusted for the effects of a: I ^ 11 yJive po ten L ja I eq... ty s ha res
p) Cash Flow Statement
Cash flow a re reported using Indirect Method,where by profit/(lossj before tax is adjusted for the effect of transaction of noncash natuic and any defer rn so; a ecru a if. pf past or future cash rece pt or payments and items of income or expenses associated wit h investing or financing cash flow. The cash flow from operating, Investing & financing activities of the company is segregated basedontheavaiablemformepon
yj. Financial Risk Management
I'Tip Company ha=; expo1.;,re to tin* following riik arising from financial jnrtrymerts: aj Credit Risk
H is risk of tmonc al :o:;s tb^lt the Company will me ui -a Los t bsc au se its customer or ^Mprtterpatty to financial mst( c-menls feus to meet its contractual obligation The CcTip-ariys flr>£nc siassels comprise of Cash and bank balance, Seec Ties tor trade, T'ede recta vab. ns. Loans inveslrntnls an,H Other fittartdal ssseLs winch compi i:;e mainLy a' deposits. The maximum exposure to credit risk al the : importing date is p;n rarity from Company'!; trade rec e i vable.
Tim Com;ia-fiy Mas followed s-mplil icd method of'ECL in case-of Tmdo receivables and the-Company rceogivsos lifetime expected tosses tor an trade receivables that do hot constitute a financing transaction. At each ic-porbng.datii, the Company assesses impaJfrSnem requinwraSnls.
Other financial assets eonsidered to have a low credit risk:
Credit risk on cash, arid cash. cc|Liivili-,nts is Limited as we generally invest <n deposits with banks and stock exchanges with high credit ratings assigned by international and domestic credit rating agencies, investments comprise of Quoted Eou ty instruments and Mutual Funds which ws market tiadeeble
bj Liquidity Risk
Lipaicsilv represents treab l-ty of the Company to generate Sufficient Cash 1Vjw to meet 'ts financial obligations on tulle. both- in norm^and ri Stressed conditions. without having to li predate aS$Bft 01 raise fjjfuis at unlovt-ei eblo terms th-'.is tom prom i tin g US carrnnyS arid capital. The Company aims to mu-main the level of ils cesh 3rd cash erruivale-its and other nighty marketable iiiyestiTients at an amount n excess of expected tash outflow on financial Labilities. fund; rcc-u red loi short period i. taken ca-1 c c-y burrowings through Hosing overdraft facility
fair value hierarchy
l"u r Villus is the price that would he received to eatl an asset or p jmJ Lc ftaoefer, a liabilityIn ai: crdarly hltcIic.'-'i :n the ci incipal ior most ad var Ty y oou s) market at tjKf mcasur-crneiit date under current in a ike L conditions | .v.. an exit pvee}, i ei; a rd less of whether that rrriee is dimtl.y observable or estrn a ted urng ^valuation technique,
t^yel J - The fair value hierarchy have been valued usihej-suoted prices far instruments in an active market
Level.;? - Inputs other than gu-cted prices included withm Level 1 that a if obseivable cither directly (i e. as prices) or indirectly (i e derived frcyri prices) Level 3 - In puts that are u n obseivab le Th- s category irictr i des all Ý nstru-m arts tor yv h k h the va in ation tec h niqu e id clu dec jup tn.s t !i at a re not observable and the unobservable inputs have a significant effect on the instrument's valuation
50. Event After Reporting Date
There have been no events after Lh£ reporting date that require disclosure in these financial statements.
51. Additional regulatory information required by Schedule Hi Details of bcnami property hold
No proceedings have deem initiated or. or am pending agar.st thCompany for holding t^nami property und^j the Be.ffemi i ransaclio^s ; Prohibition) Act, 1988 [49 of :.98ii) ar’d Pules made mo-rounder.
Title deeds of immovable properties not held in name ofthe company
There are no removable propertieswhich are not held m name of the company
Valuation of Property, Plant and Equipment, intangible asset and investment property
The Company has noT revalued Any of its property, plant and eocipmenr (intruding right-of-use assets) or intangible assets d u r i n g t h c- c u r re nt yea r or previou s yea r.
Borrowings from Banks or Financial institution on the basis of Security of Current Assets
The company harii£ gutgj-Sn^'ng fdahsofRs 21830 r_akhsason31st March 7.02'-
The Company has not been declared wrffLl defaulter by any oar,k or financial institutions or government or any government authority,
Relati o n sh ip wit h st ruck off com pa n ies
I he Co n Ý p a ny h a s n o Lr .i r, i: a c f or: s w i U Ý, L \ ÝÝ & edr r l p a n' es Sl r u c k o ft... Ý Ý j.o i Co rn oar’. i s s Ac 2013 pr CjfSjTi pa n ies Ac t. :99 8 Compliance with number of layers of companies
i! ie v orr pa.ny has .e.ompl adwith i hf npi r. ber of layers prescribed or-, Jer L r-, a- Coir- par lf.as Act, 20 13 Com pi ia h t e wit hap proved schemas) of arran ge merits
The Company has not entered into any scheme of arrangement which has an accounting impact on current or previous financial yt!ar.
Undisclosed income
There i-s no income surrendered of remaining to be disclosed as income during the current or previous -.,<:-r,r :r, th-o tavi assessmefit&under the IncbmeTaxAet.lEf&J
Deta i Is of crypto currency or virtua I cu rren cy
The Company-has not traded or ihi/esteef in tr.ypto currency br virtual currency during the current or previous year.
Registration of charges or satisfaction with Registrarof Companies
As March 31. 2G24i L'-s regiiter of.charges of the Company m available in records oi thp Mrn sidy of Corporate Au'.iirs I r-Includes chaises that were created,''mod tied since the inception of the'-Company, The Company ss in the sentiryuous process of in ng the charge satisfaction e-form with MCA. within the timelines, ss and whpn It recover; IMOCs from the respective charge holders
Utilisation of borrowings availed from banks and financial institutions
T heCom pa ny h as u sed bo r rowed tiiOdforrhepurp ose to r wh tch 11 is ava i I ed
As par our report of evert date attained For and on behalf of board of direct nr* of in do Thai Securities Lirnited
f <jr SPARK & Associates Chartered Accountants LLP
Chartered Accountants
Firm Reg No. 0053 T3C/C4 003 H Dhanpat Dosbi P-arasmat Ooshi
Managing Director Chajimtiri & Whole Time Directoi
DiN: 00700491 LJ Iff: 000514&D
Chandrcih Singhvi
Membership No, 43G5&3 Deepak Sharnia Shnrti Sikarwar
Chief Financial Officer Company Secretary a
Place: Indore ComplianceQfficei
ESatfliMay 10th 2024 UDiN 244365$3i0t<FS0K6376