1. In the financial year 2014-15, the Company has operated in only one
business segment, hence compliance of AS-17 regarding "Segment
Reporting" is not necessary.
2. Related party transactions:
i) As per Accounting Standard 18, the disclosures of transactions with
the related parties are given below:
S. No. Name of the Related Party Relationship
1 Indu Traders Relative of Key Managerial Person
3. Contingent Liabilities:
Contingent Liability not provided for (2014-15) (2013-14)
Claims against the Company not acknowledged as debt NIL NIL
4. Last year's figures have been regrouped and re-arranged wherever
necessary to conform to the figures of the current year..
5. Expenses incurred in relation to issue of shares amounting to Rs.
35,85,994/- has been written off during the current financial year.
6. The Company has not provided for any retirement benefits including
7. The company has not received any memorandum (as required to be
filed by the Suppliers with the notified authority under the Micro,
Small and Medium Enterprises Development Act, 2006), claiming their
status as micro, small or medium enterprises. Consequently, the amount
paid / payable to these parties during the year is Nil.
8. Sundry Debtors and Creditors, Loans and Advances are subject to
10. Figures have been rounded off to the nearest rupee.