1 The Schedules referred to in the Balance Sheet & Profit and Loss
Account form an integral part of the accounts.
2 In the opinion of the Board of Directors current assets, loans and
advances are having the value at they are stated in the balance sheet
at which they are stated if realized in the ordinary course of action.
3 The balance of all current assets, loans and advances, current
liabilities are subject to confirmation and consequent adjustment if
4 The company has not received any intimation from 'suppliers'
regarding their status under the Micro Small And Medium Enterprises
Development Act 2006, and hence disclosures , if any , relating to
amounts unpaid as at the year ended together with interest paid/payable
as required under the said Act have not been given.
5 Previous year figure have been regrouped & rearranged wherever
necessary to correspond to the figure of current year.
6. Contingent Liabilities - -
7. Disclosures on Related Parties transactions
i) Nature and Relationship of Related Parties
a) Subsidiary Company
b) Fellow Subsidiary Company
c) Investment in Partnership Firm
d) Key Management Personnel
e) Relatives of Key Management Personnel
f) Entities where Key Management Personnel have Significant Influence
1. Krishna Vlnvls Limited