(b) Equity Component of C ompound Financial Instrumenb-_
The Company had issued non Convertible Redeemable Preference Shares (NCRPS)-Considering the accounting principles to be followed in the line with Indian Accounting Standards, the company has computed the liability portion of NCRPS as a present value of the contiactuial obligations associated with instrument The difference between the issue amount of the NCRPS and the liability so computed has been treated as the ’Equity component of compound financial Instruments' and grouped under the Equity'. During the year company has also redeemed NCRPS The details of NCRPS issued, subscribed, redemmed, and closing balance are given below-
15b Nature of Security :
j) Term Loan arc secured by a iirsi pan passu charge over immovable and movable assets ot the company. both present jnd future.
b) Vehicle loans Iixmii banks and financial institution are secured by hypothecation and mortgage of specific assets from various banks and Financial Institutions.
c) The cadi credit facilities and Letter of Credit trom Hanks are secured bv first pan passu charge over entire current assets Le. stocks of raw materials, finished goods, stock in process, stores £ consumables, trade receivables of the Company and second charge over the other movable assets and immovable assets of the Company.
15t Personal guarantee of directors. (1) Mr. Rajesh AgraWal (n> Mrs. Rekha Agrawal Gurantee of Relative of the Directors. (1) Mr. Kamanand Agrawal
15d a) There is no default, continuing or otherwise, as at the PalanceSheet Date, in re payment of principal as well as interest ot any of the above loan, b) Current maturities of long terms debts disc lose under the sub-head “Borrowings" of head “current liabilities".
As per section 135 of the Companies Act 2013 and rules therein, the company is required to spend at least 2% of average net profit of past three years towards Corporate Social Rcsponsibilitv (CSR).