1.Share Capital
(1.1) The Company has only one class of shares referred to as equity
shares having a par value of Rs. 10/-. Each holder of equity shares is
entitled to one vote per share. In the event of liquidation of the
Company, the holders of equity shares will be entitled to receive any
of the remaining assets of the company, after distribution of all
preferential amounts. The distribution will be in proportion to the
number of equity shares held by the shareholders.
(1.2) Shares held by each shareholder holding more than 5% shares.
2. Notes on accounts for the year ended 31st March 2014
3.1) In the opinion of the directors & to the best of their knowledge
and belief, the value on realization of current assets, loans and
advances in the ordinary course of business would not be less than the
amount at which they are stated in the Balance Sheet.
3.2) Balances appearing to the debit or credit of various parties,
Loans & Advances and Deposits are subject to confirmation.
3.3) None of the supplier has informed the company that they are
registered under Micro, Small and Medium enterprises Development Act,
3.4) The management is of opinion that due to sluggish capital market
the value Investment in shares has been fallen substantially and they
expect recovery in the near future. Considering the same being of
temporary nature the management does not feel necessary to provide for
impairment loss for investment in shares as per the provision of
Accounting Standard -28 "Impairment of Assets".
3.5) Related party Disclosure
List of Related Parties and Relationships
a. Directors (Key Management Personnel)
Party Name Relationships
Nitin K Mehta Director
Bhavin N Mehta Director
Navin C Shah Director
Anshul N Mehta Director
b. Relatives of Directors (Key Management Personnel)
Party Name Relationships
Bharati N Mehta Relative of Director
Purvi B. Mehta Relative of Director
Madhu N Shah Relative of Director
c. Company/Firm in Which Directors/relative of directors are interested
Subir Diamonds Sister Concerns/Associates
India shopping mall.com Pvt. Ltd Sister Concerns/Associates
Tycartai Jewellery Pvt. Ltd Sister Concerns/Associates
GelidNet Promotion
& Entertainment Pvt. Ltd. Sister Concerns/Associates
3.6) Other provision of Revised Schedule VI of Companies Act, 1956 are
either Nil or not applicable.
3.7) Figures of previous year have been re-grouped, re-arrange,
wherever necessary to conform to the current year presentation.