OSCAR GLOBAL LIMITED (here in after referred as 'OGL' or 'company') was
incorporated in 1990 and is engaged in the business of manufacturing
and export of Leather Garments and Accessories for men and women. The
company is exporting its goods mainly to the European countries such as
Germany, France, Holland etc. The manufacturing facilities are located
at Noida, Uttar Pradesh.
Amounts in the financial statements are presented in Rupees and are
exact amount unless and otherwise stated in the relevant note
The previous year figures have been re-grouped/classified, wherever
necessary to conform to the current period presentation.
1. CONTINGENT LIABILITIES AND COMITMENTS (to the extent not provided
Disclosure pursuant to Note No. 6(T) of Schedule VI of the Companies
Act, 1956
Particulars As at As at
31 March 2014 31 March 2013
Rs. Rs.
(i) Contingent Liabilities
(a) Claims against the company not
acknowledged as debt - -
(b) Guarantees - -
(c) Other money for which the
company is contingently liable - -
(ii) Commitments
(a) Estimated amount of contracts
remaining to be executed on
capital account and not provided
for - -
(b) Uncalled liability on shares
and other investments partly paid - -
(c) Other commitments (specify nature) - -
2. Contingent liabilities and commitments (to the extent not provided
Particulars As at As at
31 March 2014 31 March 2013
Rs. Rs.
(i) Contingent Liabilities
(a) Claims against the company not
acknowledged as debt - -
(b) Guarantees - -
(c) Other money for which the
company is contingently liable - -
(ii) Commitments
(a) Estimated amount of contracts
remaining to be executed on
capital account and not provided
for - -
(b) Uncalled liability on shares
and other investments partly paid - -
(c) Other commitments - -
Total - -
3. Segment information
The company is operating in only one product i.e. leather garments and
accessories. Hence there is no need to present financial information
segment wise as required by AS-17.