1. The company had issued 165 Nos. of Zero Coupon Foreign Currency Convertible Bonds of US$ 1,00,000 each aggregating to US$ 16.5 Million on 27, November 2007. These Bonds are convertible Bonds at the option of bond holders into equity shares of Rs. 10/- each fully paid at the conversion price of Rs. 315/- per share initially but now conversion price has been reset to Rs. 228.04/- per share, subject to the terms of issue, with a fixed exchange rate of Rs. 39.15 equal to US$ 1.00 within 5 years and 7 days from the date of issue. These Bonds are called "A Series" Bonds The bondholders have agreed to extend the bonds for the further period of 5 years. Bondholders have agreed to extend the period between one year to five years and interest to be paid between LIBOR 3.50% - 5% per annum, as per the ECB guidelines. The bondholders have given their consent as stated above and the company authorize dealer has submitted the documents to Reserve Bank of India (RBI),for issuing "B Series Bonds"
2. The company has issued 1,61,11,000 Convertible warrants of Rs.2/- each at a premium of Rs.48/- each during the preceding previous year in two stages i.e. 67,15,400 convertible warrants issued on 30/03/2015 and 66,51,300 convertible warrants issued on 10/06/2015. Out of warrants issued at second stage, 27,44,300 convertible warrants of Rs.2/- each is still pending for allotment. However the same is not converted into shares due to technical reasons at NSDL.
3. In the absence of information as regards to the status/classification of the relavant enterprises into Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises, information as required under Notification No. G.S.R. 719(E) dated 16.11.2007 issued by the Department of the Company Affairs in respect of the total amount payable and amount of interest thereon paid during the year and payable at the end of the year to the Sundry Creditors could not be disclosed.
4. The Previous Year figures have been regroup/rearranged, wherever necessary to make them comparable with the current years' figures.
5. Sundry Debtors, Sundry Creditors, Loans & advances are subject to confirmation and reconciliation.
6. In the opinion of the Board the current assets, loans and advances are approximately of the value stated if realized in ordinary course of business. The provision for all known liabilities is adequate and not in excess of the amount reasonably necessary.
The licensed & installed capacities are as certified by the Management and have not been verified by the Auditors as this is a technical matter.
Figure in bracket ( ) pertains to previous year.
7. The Company has a Single Segment namely Pharmaceuticals/Chemicals. Therefore the company does not fall under different business segments as defined by AS-17 "Segmental Reporting" issued by ICAI.
8. Deferred Tax Liability :
Deferred Tax Liability relating to earlier years is Rs.1196,72,226/- and liability for current year is Rs. 847,62,251/-.