1. Segment Reporting
The Company provides services in a single business segment which also
constitutes the primary basis of segmental reporting set out in
financial statements. Hence no separate reporting is done by the
2. Related party transactions
During the year ended June 30, 2011, the Company has entered into
transactions with the following related parties.
3. Summary of the transactions with the related parties is as follows:
Transactions during the period Remuneration paid to director Current year
Rs. 12,00,000 ( Previous Year Rs. 9,00,000) Outstanding balance Payable
to Nextgen Animation Mediaa limited Rs. 38,719,987 (Previous Year Rs. 58,228,762) Loan Repayment during the year Rs. 27,69,549 ( Previous Year received Rs. 29,15,000)
4. Subsidiary companies Millennium Care Inc. , Canada Innovative BPO
Ltd., Canada.
During the year Envoy Technologies Inc, USA becomes 100% WOS of
innovative BPO solution limited, which was subsidiary of Silverline
Technologies Limited in the previous year.
5. Key management personnel
Mohan Subramanian - Wholetime Director
6. As of June 30 2011 the Company has no outstanding dues to any
small-scale industrial undertaking as defined under Section 3(j) of the
Industries (Development and Regulation) Act, 1951 (Previous Year Rs
7. Figures have been rounded to the nearest Rupee. Previous years
figures have been regrouped / re-classified to conform with the current
period's groupings, wherever necessary.