(Amount in Rs.)
As at 31st March
Particular 2014 2013
a) Contingent liabilities not provided
for in respect of Guarantee given by 1,30,00,000 1,30,00,000
Canara bank to National Securities
Clearing Corporation limited ( Rs. 80 lacs)
and Stock Holding Corporation of
India Limited (Rs. 50 lacs) #
b) Estimated amount of contracts
remaining to be executed on capital 20,01,085 26,84,687
account and not provided for
(net of advances)
# : The above bank guarantees extended by Canara Bank is secured by
pledge of fixed deposits and also secured by way of equitable mortgage
of a company's Immovable Property. The said facilities are further
secured by personal guarantees of three directors of the Company.
2 Revaluation of Office Premises was carried out as on 31.03.96 by an
approved Valuer. The revaluation resulted in an increase of Rs.
13,11,255/- in the value of the assets over its net book value as on
31.03.96 which has been credited to Revaluation Reserve. Depreciation
for the year ended 31.03.2014 of Rs. 21,373/- on revalued portion has
been adjusted with Revaluation Reserve.
3 Previous year's figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever
necessary to correspond with the current year's
4 Figures have been rounded off to nearest rupee.