1. Related Party Disclosures
There is no other company, which is under the same management in which
the directors of the company are entrusted as directors and / or
shareholders. There is no transaction with any firm and / or proprietor
firm in which the directors of the company are interested as a partners
or proprietor.
2. Key Management Personnel:
The Key Management Personnel are the Whole Time Director and Company
Secretary Cum Compliance officer, whose names are mentioned in the
Corporate Governance Report.
3. There are not any particulars which are required to be furnished
pursuant to Clause VIII of part II of the Schedule VI of the Companies
Act, 1956.
4. In compliance with the Accounting Standard AS-22 relating to
"Accounting for Taxes on Income" issued by the Institute of Chartered
Accountants of India, the company had provided for Deferred tax
liability arising out of timing difference. During the year under
report, there has been reversal of the said deferred tax liability to
the extent of Rs.259,6575/-(P.Y Rs. 275, 616), on account of difference
between Book and Tax Depreciation. Accordingly, the said item has been
credited to Statement of Profit & Loss of the year under report.
5. The Company has two reportable business segments i.e. Trading of
Products & Commodities and IT Activities. The Company operates mainly
in Indian market and there are no reportable geographical segments.
6. In the Opinion of the Board, all the current assets, loans and
advances have a value on realization in the ordinary course of business
at least equal to the amount stated in the Balance Sheet and all the
known liabilities have been provided for.
7. Certain Debit and Credit Balances are being subject to
8. During the year , the Company has shown the units of Mutual Fund
"Arihant Mangal "(Growth Scheme) , in its Non-Current Trade
Investments, after the lapse of several years due to Mutual Fund
"Arihant Mangal "(Growth Scheme) was kept abeyance by the Order of
Hon'ble High Court, Bombay. In this context, the Hon'ble High Court,
Delhi, passed the Order dtd 29/05/2013, where in they have directed
that the Mutual Fund "Arihant Mangal "(Growth Scheme) was reconsidered
to dispose off the Mutual Fund "Arihant Mangal "(Growth Scheme) in
terms of the SEBI regulations in full and final settlement through
methodological basis. In view of the above facts, the Board have taken
steps to recover the proceedings against dispose of units of Mutual
Fund "Arihant Mangal "(Growth Scheme).
9. The figures appearing in the Financial Statements have been
rounded off to nearest rupee.
10. Previous year's figures have been regrouped/ reclassified wherever
necessary to correspond with the current year's classification