Hole: t-Primary Swtully
Fir*] charge try wry of HypoWdUon In favour of SIDSl of all borrowers m&uaEtes. ÝhCliidMg mOvntilm p:.inl, machinery. marJini.Lry spurns. UtiU A accessories Office equlpnwiisL computer*. fumiluiet and Untunes, Uf,\, ele acquired/ to tic qcij uined under tim tr^ocV temp
Fi^'f cfwrtH? try wjyol morfsiiuo In Iwowol 5HMI 4t eN ir.ii p*ece and parcel of Bwro*»r,i Indwlnat uw non-agricultural in no soaring oiocUsunioy no J*7 pttkf. admeusuilng I9.IW Sq.Wtra, sltualed lying and bong at viiags-iuiii;. Taluha-Khambhat. Registrantn Plainer-Anand and tut) district Khambhat togcinar vwth factory (hod. building and anjciur* inetnon ptrtsnni 4 future CfliMttaftocurttv
Firtt Cftaitfl* by way of Hypothecs!**) m (Crvuul ef SlUB! ul oil tWIqwtff'S mpvtWos. Including ingvstiles. pleot. msebinery, machinery spares tool* A occrssonOs Office e<iui iimonts, ownpuicis, lut mulct and fixtures MFA-Otc, acquired! la Do Kquirod undBf (ho tuoiecD Khsme
TEJKeiH* no Lakhs
First Char JO try way of hypothecs fck) cJ whore of Cufrenj iitwh Uslfi piifjcn! A tulurc Personal GuSfsnhie of Srm Sturm joyontiial Pandya am) Sim Ami Juyanlilal Pandyo Norn j - Loan Saocttcpnnj m flu name ur 11m dirtcior
Note 3 - Secured agulnil Morlpugo of Immovoblt Property (Residentisl homo & Office m the name of Director* A relative*)
I, Title deeds of Immovable Property not held in the name of the Company
The company does not possess any immovable property, whose title deeds of Immovable property not held in the name of the company during the financial year ended March 31.2024 and March 31,2023.
It. Revaluation of Property, Plant and Equipment
The company has not revalued any of its property, plant and equipment during the years ended March 31.2024 and March 31,2023.
Hence, the amount of change in grass and ret carrying amount due to revaluation and impairment losses/reversals is nil.
IV. Intangible assets under development ageing schedule / completion schedule
The company does not possess any of its Intangible assets under development during the years ended March 31.2024 and March 31.2023
V, Details of Senamj Property held
No proceedings have been initialed or pending against the company for holding any benami property under the Benami Transactions (Prohibition) Act, 1088 (45 of 1988), and rules made thereunder in the financial years ended March 31. 2024 and Mafdh 31,2023,
VI. Security of current assets against borrowings
The company has not borrowed from banks or financial institutions on the basis of security of current assets as primary security.
VII. Wilful Defaulter
As informed to us. the company has nol been declared as a wilful defaulter by any bank or financial institution or other lender in ihe financial years ended March 31,202*1 and March 31.2023,
VIII. Relationship with Struck off Companies
As informed to us and on the basis of verification, no any transactions entered with companies whose names have been struck off under section 248 of Companies Act, 2013 or section 560 of companies Act, 1956 in Ihe financial years ended March 31. 2024 and March 31, 2023
JX. Registration of charges or satisfaction with Registrar of Companies {ROC)
During the audit period, there is no any registration of charges or satisfaction of charged with Registrar of companies.
X, Compliance with number of layers of companies
Not Applicable, since the company has no any subsidiary company.
XII. Compliance with approved Scheme(s) of Arrangements
During the period ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, the company has not proposed any scheme.
XIH. Utilization of borrowed funds and share premium
The company has not race ived/adva need any fund from to any parties (funding party) with the understanding that the Company shall whether, directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified by or on behalf of the funding parly (“Ultimate Beneficiaries ') or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries
Other additional information to be disclosed bv wav of Notes to Statement of Profit and Loss U Adjustments to the carrying amount of investments
During the period ended March 31, 2024 and March 31, 2023, the company has not adjusted in the carrying amount of investment.
II. Net gain or Joss on foreign currency translation (other than considered as finance cost)
vi Provisions for losses of subsidiary companies
Not Applicable, since the company has no any subsidiary company
VN. Corporate social responsibility activities'.
The company is not covered under section 135 of the Companies Act. 2013 for the financial years ended March 31,2024 and March 31.2023.
VtIL Undisclosed income’.
There are no any transactions which are not recorded in the books of accounts.
IX. Details of crypto currency or virtual currency'.
The company has not traded or invested in crypto currency or virtual currency during the financial years ended March 31 2024 and March 31,2023.
Mote Mo:
(2£) The balances of Loans and advances, debtors and creditors are subject to balance confirmation by the respective parties, and necessary adjustment if any will be made on its reconciliation
(35) Estimated amount of contract as per the Management remaining to be executed on capital account and not provided for Rs. Nrl (Rs. Nil)
(36) There amounts outstanding as at 31 si March, 2024. due to supplier who constilute a Micro. Small and Medium Enterprises as per MSMED Act, 2006 is Rs 221.52 lacs (Previous year -Rs 302 96 Lacs)
(37) The company was initially allotted Incorrect PAN -AABFT0997 J i e under firm category instead of company. After the instructions of the Income tax officer (ITO). application for correction was made and new correct PAN- AACCT2Q27K was issued, under which Income Tax returns are filed from AY 2006-07 onwards During the year 2022-23 the National Faceless Assessment Authority had issued Assessment Orders for AY 2015-16 and 2017-18 under PAN - AABFT0997J on the basis of information from export data from Income tax internal sources and have raised & issued demand notices
Against these orders. The Company had hied petitions in the High Court of Gujarat. The Honorable Judges of the High Court on 6in May. 2024 have disposed the matter and set aside I he assessment orders and the demand notices for both the years issued by the assessing authority.
Further during (he year under audit, the company has received notice for the AY 2016-17 and AY 2016-19 from Ihe Income tax department suggesting that income chargeable to tax has escaped within Ihe meaning of section 147 of the Act in respect of PAN No AABFT0997J, which was allotted to company initially under FIRM category and subsequently under Ihe instructions of the |unsdictional assessing officer it was corrected and new PAN No. AACCT2027K was allotted to the company The company has filed a detailed reply of Ihe notice for AY 2015-17 and AY 201Q19 against the same reply the assessment proceedings which were initiated u/s 147 have been dropped on 23/03/2024
(38) Segment Reporting
The company is engaged in manufacturing and selling of chemical products Since the company's business falls within a single business segment, no further information for business segment is required.
(39) The figures of the previous year have been regrouped/reclassified wherever necessary to make them comparable with current year figures.