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13 March 2025 | 02:48

Industry >> Entertainment & Media

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ISIN No INE871L01013 BSE Code / NSE Code 540083 / TVVISION Book Value (Rs.) -33.35 Face Value 10.00
Bookclosure 30/08/2024 52Week High 30 EPS 0.00 P/E 0.00
Market Cap. 16.39 Cr. 52Week Low 4 P/BV / Div Yield (%) -0.13 / 0.00 Market Lot 1.00
Security Type Other


You can view the entire text of Notes to accounts of the company for the latest year
Year End :2024-03 

1.20 Contingencies

In the normal course of business, contingent liabilities may arise from litigation and other claims against the Company. Potential liabilities that have a low probability of crystallising or are very difficult to quantify reliably, are treated as contingent liabilities. Such liabilities are disclosed in the notes but are not provided for in the financial statements. There can be no assurance regarding the final outcome of these legal proceedings.

1.21 Useful lives and residual values

The Company reviews the useful lives and residual values of property, plant and equipment, investment property and intangible assets at each financial year end.

1.22 Impairment Testing

i) Judgment is also required in evaluating the likelihood of collection of customer debt after revenue has been recognised. This evaluation requires estimates to be made, including the level of provision to be made for amounts with uncertain recovery profiles. Provisions are based on historical trends in the percentage of debts which are not recovered, or on more detailed reviews of individually significant balances.

ii) Determining whether the carrying amount of these assets has any indication of impairment also requires judgment. If an indication of impairment is identified, further judgment is required to assess whether the carrying amount can be supported by the net present value of future cash flows forecast to be derived from the asset. This forecast involves cash flow projections and selecting the appropriate discount rate.

1.23 Tax

i) The Company's tax charge is the sum of the total current and deferred tax charges. The calculation of the Company's total tax charge necessarily involves a degree of estimation and judgment in respect of certain items whose tax treatment cannot be finally determined until resolution has been reached with the relevant tax authority or, as appropriate, through a formal legal process.

ii) Accruals for tax contingencies require management to make judgments and estimates in relation to tax related issues and exposures.

iii) The recognition of deferred tax assets is based upon whether it is more likely than not that sufficient and suitable taxable profits will be available in the future against which the reversal of temporary differences can be deducted. Where the temporary differences are related to losses, the availability of the losses to offset against forecast taxable profits is also considered. Recognition therefore involves judgment regarding the future financial performance of the particular legal entity or tax Company in which the deferred tax asset has been recognized.

1.24 Fair Value Measurement

A number of Company's accounting policies and disclosures require the measurement of fair values, for both financial and non- financial assets and liabilities. When measuring the fair value of an asset or a liability, the Company uses observable market data as far as possible. Fair values are categorized into different levels in a fair value hierarchy based on the inputs used in the valuation techniques as follows:

"Level 1: quoted prices (unadjusted) in active markets for identicalassets or liabilities."

Level 2: inputs other than quoted prices included in Level 1 that are observable for the asset or liability, either directly (i.e. prices) or indirectly (i.e. derived from prices).

Level 3: inputs for the asset or liability that are not based on observable market data (unobservable inputs).

If the inputs used to measure the fair value of an asset or a liability fall into different levels of a fair value hierarchy, then the fair value measurement is categorized in its entirety in the same level of the fair value hierarchy as the lowest level input that is significant to the entire measurement.

The Company recognizes transfers between levels of the fair value hierarchy at the end of reporting year during which the change has occurred.

Defined Benefit Obligation

The costs of providing pensions and other post-employment benefits are charged to the Statement of Profit and Loss in accordance with Ind AS 19 'Employee benefits' over the period during which benefit is derived from the employees' services. The costs are assessed on the basis of assumptions selected by the management. These assumptions include salary escalation rate, discount rates, expected rate of return on assets and mortality rates. The same is disclosed in Note 27 'Employee benefits'.

"During the previous financial years, the Company's loan facilities from bank had turned Non performing. The Management of the Company has submitted its resolution plan, which is under consideration with the banks. The company's Music channel is enjoying leadership position in its genre since quite long time and management of the company is focusing on growth in cash flow from other channels also. Management of the company is quite confident to reach some workable solution to resolve the financial position of the company, on the basis of which the accounts of the Company are prepared on going concern basis.

Since these loans have been recalled by the banks, they have been classified as Current ""Other Financial Liabilities"" as on 31st March, 2024 and in previous financial years.

32 Financial Risk Management

The Company's business activities are exposed to a variety of financial risks, namely liquidity risk, market risks and credit risk. The Company's senior management has the overall responsibility for establishing and governing the Company's risk management framework. The Company has constituted a core Management Committee, which is responsible for developing and monitoring the Company's risk management policies. The Company's risk management policies are established to identify and analyse the risks faced by the Company, to set and monitor appropriate risk limits and controls, periodically review the changes in market conditions and reflect the changes in the policy accordingly. The key risks and mitigating actions are also placed before the Audit Committee of the Company.

A Market Risk

Market risk is the risk that the fair value of future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market prices. Market risk comprises three types of risk: interest rate risk, currency risk and other price risk. Financial instruments affected by market risk include loans and borrowings and deposits.

Interest Rate Risk

Interest rate risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of a financial instrument will fluctuate because of changes in market interest rates. This risk exist mainly on account of borrowings of the Company.

Foreign Currency Risk

Foreign currency risk is the risk that the fair value or future cash flows of an exposure will fluctuate because of changes in foreign exchange rates. The Company is not exposed to significant foreign currency risk as at the respective reporting dates.

B Credit Risk

Credit risk is the risk that counterparty will not meet its obligations under a financial instrument or customer contract, leading to a financial loss. The Company is exposed to credit risk from its operating activities (primarily trade receivables)

i Trade Receivables

Customer credit risk is managed by each business unit subject to the Company's established policy, procedures and control relating to customer credit risk management. An impairment analysis is performed at each reporting date on an individual basis for major trade receivables.

C Excessive Risk Concentration

Concentrations arise when a number of counterparties are engaged in similar business activities, or activities in the same geographical region, or have economic features that would cause their ability to meet contractual obligations to be similarly affected by changes in economic, political or other conditions. Concentrations indicate the relative sensitivity of the Company's performance to developments affecting a particular industry.

In order to avoid excessive concentrations of risk, the Company's policies and procedures include specific guidelines to focus on the maintenance of a diversified portfolio. Identified concentrations of credit risks are controlled and managed accordingly.


Company has complied with the number of layers prescribed under clause (87) of section 2 of the Act read with Companies (Restriction on number of Layers) Rules, 2017


a) During the year, no funds have been advanced or loaned or invested (either from borrowed funds or share premium

or any other sources or kind of funds) by the Company to or in any other persons or entities, including foreign entities ("Intermediaries"), with the understanding, whether recorded in writing or otherwise, that the intermediary shall, whether, directly or indirectly lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Company ("Ultimately Beneficiaries") or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.

b) During the year, no funds have been received by the Company from any persons or entities, including foreign entities ("Funding Parties"), with the understanding, whether recorded in writing or otherwise, that the Company, shall, whether, directly or indirectly, lend or invest in other persons or entities identified in any manner whatsoever by or on behalf of the Funding Party ("Ultimate Beneficiaries") or provide any guarantee, security or the like on behalf of the Ultimate Beneficiaries.


Company has not prepared any Scheme of Arrangements in terms of sections 230 to 237 of the Companies Act, 2013.

36 The Company has not traded or invested in Crypto currency or Virtual Currency during the period.

37 The management have neither come across any instance of fraud on or by the Company, noticed or reported during the financial year.

38 There were no amounts which were required to be transferred to the Investor Education and Protection Fund by the Company.

39 There is loss in the Company in F.Y. 2023-24 and also in previous financial years, due to which the provisions of section 135 of the Companies Act, 2013 is not applicable to the Company.

40 The previous year figures have been regrouped/reclassified wherever considered necessary to correspond with current year clasification / disclosure.

As per our report of even date

For P Parikh & Associates For and on behalf of the Board of Directors

Chartered Accountants

(FRN:107564W) Markand Adhikari Latasha Jadhav

Gautam Sanghvi Chairman and Managing Director Director

Partner DIN : 00032016 DIN : 08141498

M.No : 155700

Place: Mumbai Shilpa Jain Santosh Thotam

Date: May 24 2024 Company Secretary & Compliance Officer Chief Financial Officer

ACS : 24978