n) Provisions and Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets:
Provisions in respect of present obligations arising out of past events are made in the accounts when reliable estimate can be made of the amount of obligations and it is probable that there will be an outflow of resources. Contingent Liabilities are not recognized but if material, are disclosed in the notes to accounts. Contingent assets are not recognized or disclosed in the financial statements.
o) Cash and Cash Equivalents:
Cash and cash equivalents comprise of cash at bank and cash in hand. The Company considers all highly liquid investments with an original maturity of three months or less from date of purchase, to be cash equivalents.
p) Intangible Assets:
Intangible assets are stated at acquisition cost, net of accumulated amortization and accumulated impairment losses, if any. Intangible assets are amortizedas per Accounting Standard 26.
q) Earnings per share:
Basic earnings per share are calculated by dividing the net profit for the period attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The number of shares used in computing diluted earnings per share comprises the weighted average number of shares considered for deriving basic earnings per share and also the weighted average number of equity shares, which may be issued on the conversion of all dilutive potential shares, unless the results would be anti dilutive.
r) Foreign Currency Transactions:
Transactions in foreign currency are recorded at the exchange rate prevailing on the date of the transaction. Net exchange gain or loss resulting in respect of foreign exchange translations settled during period is recognized in the profit & loss account except for the net exchange gain or loss on account of imported fixed assets, which is adjusted in the carrying amount of the related fixed assets. Foreign currency denominated current assets and current liabilities at the period end are translated at the period end exchange rates and the resulting net gain or loss is recognized in the profit & loss account, except for exchange difference related to fixed assets purchased from foreign countries is adjusted in the carrying amount of related fixed assets.
The Company is engaged in the business of full service preclinical contract research organization. Accounting Standard 17 “Segment Reporting” issued by the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India is not applicable.
The authorized capital of the company is Rs. 7,50,00,000/- divided into 75,00,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each.
Total Paid up Equity Share Capital of Rs. 6,31,20,000/-are divided into 63,12,000 equity shares of Rs. 10/- each.
37. The cash balance as on 31/03/2024 amounts to Rs.1,413.51 Thousands. Since we could not undertake physical verification of cash on 31/03/2024 we have relied upon the certificate issued by the management in this regard.
38. In the view of Management, no event has taken place to trigger the need for testing its assets for impairment. Accordingly, as per the management's assessment, the carrying values of its assets as at the Balance sheet date are not higher than their corresponding recoverable amounts.
39. In the opinion of the Board the Current assets, Loans and advances are approximately of the value stated if realized in the ordinary course of the business. The provision for depreciation and all known liabilities are adequate and not in excess of the amount considered reasonably necessary.
40. Confirmation of balances has not been received from any of the Creditors, Debtors and for Loans & Advances, which are subject to reconciliation. Provision for doubtful debts, if any, in respect of the above and the consequential adjustment, if any, whether of revenue nature or otherwise, will be dealt accordingly.
43. The company has not proposed any dividend for the year under review.
44. During the year the following provisions were made:
45. An amount of Rs. 17,516.76 Thousands was spent towards Research & Development during the year under review.
46. Provision for Gratuity of Rs. 2,295.97 Thousands is created but the actuarial valuation based on which such provision is to be created is not found on record.
47. Previous year figures have been regrouped and rearranged wherever necessary.
48. All the amounts are rounded off to the nearest thousands.
As per our attached rep°rt of even date On behalf of the Board
For Mathesh & Ramana For Vanta Bioscience Limited
Chartered Accountants
Sd/- Sd/- Sd/-
B. V. Ramana Reddy M. Dopesh Raja Mohan Krishna Mulakala
Partner Managing Director Director
M. No. 026967 DIN: 01176660 DIN: 01448535
Sd/- Sd/-
Place: Hyderabad Sangeetha Padam Choudhary DVS Murali
Date : 19-07-2024 Company Secretary CFO