1. The Company has invested Rs. 44,278/- in quoted equity shares of
Pal Credit & Capital Ltd. There has been a diminution in the market
value of some of these securities aggregating to Rs.40,118/- on the
basis of their market values as on 31st March, 2014. In the opinion of
the management, no provision is considered necessary in the accounts at
this stage, since these investments are not held for immediate re-sale
and are of non- current nature. As such, the decline in the market
values is considered to be temporary and accordingly no provision has
been made in the accounts for fall in the market values of these
2. The necessary provision for current taxation has been made by the
Company in terms of the provisions of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
3. In consideration of prudence and on account of the uncertainty
involved with regards to future taxable profits, the Company has
neither recognized a deferred tax asset (comprising of unabsorbed
depreciation and carry forward of business losses) nor a deferred tax
liabilities ( being the timing difference on account of depreciation
)as at 31sl March 2014.
4. In the opinion of the Board, Current Asset, Loan and Advances are
approximately of the value stated, if realized, in the ordinary course
of business. Provision for all known' liabilities is adequate and not
in excess of the amount reasonably necessary.
5. Related Party Disclosures:
List of Related Parties and Relationships: NIL
6. No sitting fees has been paid to the Directors for attending board
meetings during the year.
7. EARNINGS PER SHARE: Earnings per share is calculated by dividing
the profit/ (loss) attributable to equity shareholders by the weighted
average number of equity shares outstanding during the period. The
numbers used in calculating the basic and diluted Earning per Share are
as follows:
8. Previous year's figures have been regrouped/rearranged, wherever
necessary, to conform to the current year's classification, keeping in
view the Revised Schedule-VI.