The company has only one class of equity shares having par value of
Rs101- per share. Each holder of equity shares is entitled one vote per
Equity share.
information pursuant to provision to paragrapn 3 ana 4(C) or part n or
acneau e vi to tne companies act, to tne 29 extent applicable:
a) The Company Is IT Company and is engaged in the business of
sale/purchase of Optical Mark Readers, Image Scanners, Insight
Scanners, and Computers and other allied peripherals and equipments,
OMR Application/ Registration forms and Answer sheets along with other
necessary stationery. The company is also providing support services to
its customers for the hardware sold by it and for that purpose sale of
spare parts, indigenous as well as imported, is also affected. The
company is also engaged in design and development of software for data
capturing through Optical Mark Reading System/ Image Scanners/ Insight
Scanners, Scanning of OMR Application forms/ Registration forms and
Answer sheets and preparation of result for its customers. For the
purpose of providing services, the company has installed its own
hardware comprising of Optical Mark Reading System/ Image Scanners/
Insight Scanners and other computers etc. It requires stationery,
computer stationery, floppies and tapes for the purpose of storing the
data which are not treated as raw material and instead termed as
stores. The answer sheets are traded as per drawing and design of the
customers. These OMR Sheets are purchased from outside. The company
does not require any industrial license and the capacity of machines
also can not be quantified because of variety of uses of the same. The
company uses its own updated software in this process:
In the opinion of the management, the value on realisation of current
assets, loans and Advances in the ordinary course or business would be
less than the amount at which they are stated in the balance Sheet and
Provisions for all the known liabilities has been made.
2 Disclosures under Accounting Standard 11 - Effects Of Changes In
Foreign Exchange Rates
During the year company has recognised as per AS-11- Effects of changes
in Foreign Exchange Rates the Loss arising from Froreign Exchange
Fluctuation amounting to Rs.468879/- in the profit & Loss Account.
3 Disclosures under Accounting Standard 15-Employee Benefit
The employees' gratuity fund scheme managed by LIC is a defined benefit
plan. The present value of obligation is determined based on actuarial
valuation using the projected unit credit method, which recognizes each
period of service as giving rise to additional unit of employee benefit
entitlement and measures each unit separately to build up the final
obligation. The obligation for leave encashment is recognized in the
same manner as gratuity.
4 In the opinion of the management, the value on realisation of
current assets, loans and Advances in the ordinary course or business
would not be less than the amount at which they are stated in the
balance Sheet and Provisions for all the known
5 All amounts in the finanacial statements are rounded off to the
nearest Rupee, except as otherwise stated.
6 Notes 1-44 are annexed to and form an integral part of the Balance
Sheet as at 31.03.2014 and statement of Profit & Loss for the year
ended as on that date.
The group is primarily engaged in business of sale and purchase of
scanners and providing services of Repair and Maintenance of Scanners
and Annual Maintenance on Contract Basis. The Group has identified
Primary business Segments on the basis of Geographical areas, namely
Delhi and Faridabad which in the context of Accounting Satndard-17 on
"Segment Reporting" constitute reportable segments.