Computers - Software
(Rs in Crores )
Particulars | 2300 | 2200 | 2100 | 2000 | 1900 |
Number Of Companies | 115 | 115 | 115 | 115 | 115 |
Source Of Info (AR = Annual Report, PR = Press Release) | AR | AR | AR | AR | AR |
| | | | | |
INCOME | | | | | |
Revenue From Operations [Gross] | 561373.91 | 459044.73 | 384113.77 | 365909.13 | 338344.09 |
Less: Excise/Sevice Tax/Other Levies | 20.57 | 17.96 | 15.89 | 17.01 | 46.98 |
Revenue From Operations [Net] | 561353.34 | 459026.77 | 384097.88 | 365892.12 | 338297.12 |
Other Operating Revenues | -11.31 | 121.51 | 79.64 | 98.14 | 55.30 |
Total Operating Revenues | 561342.04 | 459148.28 | 384177.53 | 365990.26 | 338352.41 |
| | | | | |
Other Income | 17272.58 | 20892.34 | 13865.66 | 18976.77 | 17184.13 |
Total Revenue | 578614.61 | 480040.61 | 398043.19 | 384967.03 | 355536.55 |
| | | | | |
EXPENSES | | | | | |
Cost Of Materials Consumed | 2211.02 | 618.79 | 469.56 | 122.44 | 191.20 |
Purchase Of Stock-In Trade | 1560.30 | 1330.96 | 1290.25 | 1560.91 | 2416.85 |
Operating And Direct Expenses | 74487.03 | 66575.42 | 50033.46 | 53191.24 | 49544.87 |
Changes In Inventories Of FG,WIP And Stock-In Trade | 826.33 | -23.15 | -7.40 | 157.66 | 17.75 |
Employee Benefit Expenses | 276087.35 | 219890.65 | 183839.21 | 173396.08 | 156094.06 |
Finance Costs | 2515.28 | 1715.91 | 1930.37 | 2336.55 | 1172.52 |
Provisions And Contingencies | 552.20 | 476.44 | 159.40 | 604.46 | 18.01 |
Depreciation And Amortisation Expenses | 13875.06 | 12464.13 | 11926.20 | 10562.11 | 7207.99 |
Misc. Expenses Written Off | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 2.64 | 0.15 |
Other Expenses | 73349.15 | 50259.50 | 40421.38 | 43775.26 | 43655.44 |
Less: Share Of Loss From Partnership Firm | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -17.65 |
Total Expenses | 445463.70 | 353308.65 | 290062.45 | 285709.34 | 260336.49 |
| | | | | |
Profit/Loss Before Exceptional, ExtraOrdinary Items And Tax | 133150.91 | 126731.97 | 107980.74 | 99257.68 | 95200.06 |
| | | | | |
Exceptional Items | -172.05 | -194.72 | -1050.38 | -658.61 | -179.49 |
Profit/Loss Before Tax | 132978.86 | 126537.25 | 106930.37 | 98599.08 | 95020.57 |
| | | | | |
Tax Expenses-Continued Operations | | | | | |
Current Tax | 32242.33 | 28937.38 | 25016.39 | 21290.62 | 23263.80 |
Less: MAT Credit Entitlement | -1.00 | 2.41 | 1.05 | -1.93 | 37.56 |
Deferred Tax | 268.02 | -67.15 | 1567.67 | -233.67 | 148.52 |
Other Direct Taxes | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -0.02 |
Tax For Earlier Years | -1.95 | -65.25 | 26.91 | -10.24 | 14.70 |
Total Tax Expenses | 32509.39 | 28802.58 | 26609.92 | 21048.64 | 23389.44 |
Profit/Loss After Tax And Before ExtraOrdinary Items | 100469.47 | 97734.67 | 80320.45 | 77550.43 | 71631.13 |
| | | | | |
Prior Period Items | 0.00 | 0.00 | -1.23 | 0.21 | -0.05 |
Extraordinary Items | -0.15 | 0.01 | -3.12 | -0.18 | 0.00 |
Profit/Loss From Continuing Operations | 100469.32 | 97734.68 | 80316.09 | 77550.46 | 71631.07 |
| | | | | |
Profit/Loss From Discontinuing Operations | -64.90 | -472.05 | 70.37 | 70.98 | 73.40 |
Total Tax Expenses Discontinuing Operations | -18.06 | 0.00 | 0.00 | -0.46 | 11.67 |
Net Profit/Loss From Discontinuing Operations | -46.84 | -472.05 | 70.37 | 71.44 | 61.73 |
Profit/Loss For The Period | 100422.48 | 97262.63 | 80386.46 | 77621.90 | 71692.81 |
| | | | | |
| | | | | |
Basic EPS (Rs.) | 90.94 | 90.15 | 69.94 | 65.80 | 63.05 |
Diluted EPS (Rs.) | 90.94 | 90.15 | 69.94 | 65.80 | 63.05 |
| | | | | |
Equity Share Dividend | 77925.04 | 50813.04 | 29139.92 | 48782.93 | 29708.65 |
Preference Share Dividend | 0.05 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 | 0.00 |
Tax On Dividend | 0.00 | 32.40 | 0.00 | 6390.32 | 2332.74 |